David A. Stockman
Economic Policy Maker, Politician, and Financier
David Kennedy
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Historian
David Limbaugh
American political commentator and author.
Dean Obeidallah
Political Comedian & Writer
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager is one of America's most respected radio talk show hosts.
Diane Rehm
Public Radio Talk Show Host
Donna Shalala
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Ed Gordon
Emmy Award-Winning Broadcaster
Erma Stewart
National Debater, Winning Speaker and Actress
General Joseph Ralston
Completed a 37-year Air Force Career as Commander
George Gilder
Chairman of George Gilder Fund Management
Geraldine Ferraro
Earned a Place in History as the First Woman Vice-Presidential Candidate on a National Party Ticket
Gloria Borger
Political Columnist, U.S. News & World Report and Senior Political Analyst, CNN
Hedrick Smith
One of America's Most Distinguished Journalists
James Traub
Global Affairs and Politics Writer
Jeremy Heimans
Co-Founder and CEO of Purpose
Jim Wallis
Founder and Editor of Sojourners magazine
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